Machu Picchu

Our tour guide picked us up on a Sunday and drove us to a station called Ollantaytambo. There we had to catch the train to Aguas Calientes. The road to Ollantaytambo was a unique experience as the road was full of landslides due to the heavy rain. Fortunately our guide was a super experienced driver so we made it safely. We had about an hour to get some brunch and get a quick tour around the city before we had to catch our train.

{fotos de Ollantaytambo}

We walked about 15 minutes to get to the trainstation and boarded the train. It was a very classic train with the cealing made out of glass so we could see everything from the inside. The ride was about 2 hours and I assured you I could not stop from looking at the scenary which was preseted at us every meter we travelled.

{photos of the ride to Aguas Calientes}

After being enchanted with the scenary we made it safely to Aguas Calientes. The town was known to host many visitors to the Magical City of Machu Picchu. We rapidly pulled up our phones and started to look for our hostel. It was a very small city so finding it was quite easy.

{photos of aguas calientes}

Once we settled we decided to head to to the famous hotsprings cite to check it out. It was quite close to our hostel so getting there took us 5 minutes. After walking a few meters more and walking into the hotsprings cite we decided not to get in as it was crowded. But agreed that it was the perfect place after a long hike.

{photos of the hotsprings here}

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